Since my last post, we took the kids to the Homeschooling Park day and didn't manage very long. Maybe an hour, but the kids absolutely had a blast, once they got accustomed to where we were.
Galen's been interested in going out more. We've gone to Goodwill twice in the last month for Galen to explore (and gotten a few toys to help his development), Harbor Freight once, and the Kroger grocery store twice in the last week with both kids. He's been very insistent on going out. Last week, he ran outside and got in the car in just his pull-up because Flint was going to the store with daddy, so we put him in clothes, and all went out.
So, as the title says, we finished the homemade sensory board. Completed for approximately $100. Incredible deal for the happiness it gives the kids. The swing will be starting in a few weeks. We're still researching it to make it as safe as possible.

Cole Therapy has combined Galen's Occupational and Speech therapies into one hour on Wednesday's and Thursday's. He's being tag-teamed by 2 therapists and is doing well. It started this way on Thursday and both therapists were excited and very hopeful after how well he did that day. More specifically, he was engaged with both therapists; watched the speech therapist read the entire book to him while she held it (usually he looks away or screams); and they plan to work on his feeding skills together. They know he needs to work on other skills, but his feeding skills are really bad, so they think they should tag-team that first, along with other skills being worked on in the background. We need to get white place mats because they'll apparently help make the food the most interesting thing he sees and will help get him off of "on the go" eating (crackers, pretzels, etc).
He has been playing with more foods and seemingly interested in them lately again too. He even played with gummy bears for a good 5 or so minutes today! And played with a see n' say for 5 minutes a few days ago.
Anyway, I'm going to stop here.