Flint, Mommy, and Galen

Flint, Mommy, and Galen

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Shortish Update

I don't like to compare the kids, but I want to show them off in their own ways.

Yesterday, Galen played with applesauce for a good 10 minutes! He hasn't touched applesauce in at least a year.
Yesterday, Flint learned how to put on my socks and shoes! And she got them on perfectly!
This is such a big YAY for both kids. And such a huge difference in developmental abilities. 

Sunday we went to a birthday party. Both kids had an absolute blast. A couple things of note: Galen hugged someone he'd never met (a long time school friend of mine I haven't seen since getting married). He had no idea who she was, but he gave her a hug.
He touched the birthday cake icing (oops). He didn't eat it, but he played with it!
Flint did her usual thing of playing with all the things, especially the puppy dog.

Today we had Galen's Physical Therapy evaluation that was FINALLY scheduled last week after being requested give or take 6 months ago. In other words, they'd seen enough of him to know he'd need it (the first evaluation was on day 1 evaluation, and they've been keeping tabs on him the last year to see how he is when comfortable/more comfortable). He averages an 18 month score for physical therapy (this is where he falls for everything really, except speech). So, duh, he qualifies. It will be starting in a couple weeks if Medicaid doesn't screw up.
We also went and visited with Grammy and Auntie Karen. I have many videos and pictures, but haven't uploaded them yet. The kids had a great time playing with musical instruments. Daddy's side of the family is definitely the more musical side and the kids will probably get lessons from them at some point.

Oh, and Galen will be returning to his preschool program in a couple weeks too. August has turned into a bit of a busy month.
Especially since we have news that I'm breaking right now. Mazzu is returning to college the end of August to finish off his Engineering Bachelor's.